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Welcome to Sport at Maple!

This is your insight into what we are doing in PE and School Sport in the 2023/2024 year…

At Maple Primary School we aim to deliver vibrant learning through an exciting range of physical activities and to provide opportunities for competition, self-improvement, team work, sportsmanship and self-discipline.

We are pleased that this year we have been able to continue with a large variety of extracurricular sporting opportunities for pupils across the school. These extracurricular activities take place before school, after school and during lunchtimes.  Maple prides itself on providing a wide range of physical activities that are on offer to everyone.

On a daily basis Maple continues to provide high-quality teaching across the school in PE lessons to ensure learning opportunities inspire all children to succeed in physical education and in developing life skills.  All schools are entitled to The PE and Sport Premium Grant which is allocated to each school and dependent upon their number of pupils – Maple was lucky enough to receive £18,180 in the 22/23 academic year and this was used to support our provision of PE across the school.

At Maple we highly value PE and school sport, so have further supplemented the School Sport Premium Grant with school general budget and through fundraising from our amazing PTA team. These are enabling additional projects such as improved long jump facilities and outdoor gym equipment for all. In more recent years the Trim Trail and Wooden Climber have also been added to the playground, in addition to our existing facilities, which ensure we increase and improve our children’s physical participation and promote a lifelong habit of physical activity enjoyment each and every day.

Competition at Maple

This year Maple are looking to enter into as many events as possible following a period of lockdown. As always we are entering football and netball teams, District Sport athletics teams, basketball teams, cross country teams, table tennis teams, rounders teams and a team into the Swimming Gala. Pupils take great pride in representing the school through additional opportunities and we aim to provide many more in the future.  This year district and national competitions have also been attended by Maple pupils.

Check out our sports noticeboard and Monday Messages for additional information on the forthcoming events and competitions.

‘Daily Mile’

All children at Maple take part in ‘The Daily Mile’ initiative, using our purpose-built perimeter running track which surrounds our school field.  The aim of the Daily Mile is to improve the physical, mental, emotional and social health and wellbeing of the children, regardless of their age or personal circumstance.  It involves getting all the children outside in all weathers and moving every day.  The track is also used throughout the year for PTA events including the ‘Santa Dash’ which raises money for the school as well as promoting physical activity.