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Our Governors

The Maple Primary School Board of Governors is made up of representatives of the Local Authority, parents, teachers and members of the local business community. The Governors are responsible for the general direction of the school. They take decisions concerning staffing, curriculum and finance and premises. The Governors meet as a whole group at least …

Roles & Responsibilities

Governing Bodies work in partnership with the Head Teacher, Local Authority and community of the school to provide the best possible education for their pupils. Governors have three key roles: Working Strategically Defining the school’s values, vision and aims, to discuss and agree plans and policies. Inputting to the School development plans which must cover …


The Governing body delegate some areas of work to the following governor committees:   Committee Remit Pay & Personnel To advise the Governing Body on Pay and Personnel issues To monitor all staffing arrangements To monitor the staff training programme each term To monitor the Performance Management cycle To ensure appropriate policies are drafted and …