Return to Parents

Parents’ Information

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Dear parents,

For parents of children with Special Educational Needs (SEND), please find below details of resources from Herts County Council:

The Integrated Services for Learning teams have prepared three resource folders to support with:

a) General COVID-19 tools for helping children and young people understand the current context;

b) A range of resources aimed to support teaching and learning; and

c) Resources and website links aimed to support mental health and wellbeing

The folders and more resources are available on the Local Offer via the following link;

SEND documents and resources

Give feedback. Early years (ages 0 – 5 years) There’s a lot of help available in the early years, including from health visitors and family centres.

Parental Help

Parental help is much appreciated in and around school. Please let the school know if you can offer voluntary help with any of the following activities:

  • supervising small groups of children in art, craft, cookery, computers or other similar activities.
  • helping in the reference library and quiet reading area for a short time each week.
  • going on class day visits as a helper to the teacher.
  • providing occasional transport for sports teams and local visits.
  • helping occasionally with DIY and gardening jobs around the school

Any parents helping on a regular basis will need to complete a Disclosure & Barring Service Check and obtain clearance prior to working in school. They will also need to meet with the Headteacher. Further details can be obtained from the Headteacher or the office staff.

When providing occasional transport for children, it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure they have appropriate motor insurance. Appropriate child or booster seats are required for children up to their 12th birthday, or until they reach 135 cms, whichever comes first.


We have limited facilities for storing or administering short-term medicines (i.e. analgesics or antibiotics). Parents of any children, who require such treatment, are asked to come in at lunchtime to administer the correct dose. In certain cases, parents may give written permission for the Headteacher or Deputy Head, the Office staff or the Teaching Assistant with responsibility for Health and Safety matters, to give prescribed medicine to a child. Exemption: – medication for asthma which the child can administer for him/herself.

It is important that the school is notified of any special medical needs or concerns.

Absence from School

If your child is clearly unwell please keep him/her at home for at least 24 hours (48 hours if your child has been physically sick or suffering diarrhoea). This will help minimise the spread of infection. In the case of family illness or other circumstances, advising us by telephone or e-mail helps us accurately record authorised absences. Please note that the school and the LA’s Attendance Improvement Officer now have a statutory duty to follow up frequent absences or persistent lateness that may affect a child’s educational progress.

Parents should inform the school office by 8.50 a.m. if their child will not be at school.

Pupils are not allowed to take holidays or days off in term time, unless there is a special reason (e.g. attendance at a family wedding). If parents do wish to take their child out of school and believe that there is a special reason for doing so, they should request permission from the Headteacher well in advance.