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Aims & Vision


  • To provide an inclusive and stimulating learning environment where our children feel secure and confident.
  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum which motivates our children by providing them with enjoyable and challenging opportunities to fulfil their individual academic, creative and physical potential.
  • To enable our children to acquire knowledge and skills within a framework of positive attitudes and high expectations.
  • To work together to nurture a sense of well-being and an awareness of the academic , physical, social, cultural, emotional and spiritual needs of others.
  • To develop consideration and tolerance, sensitivity and honesty, courtesy and mutual respect, resilience, independence and enquiring minds in all our children.
  • To foster a sense of friendship and community through an effective home / school partnership in which our children are valued, encouraged and supported.

    Every Child Matters”



Our school maintains a broad and balanced curriculum, using a variety of teaching and learning strategies and styles and cross-curricular links, to support all children, whatever their needs; and we will seek to develop further the inclusive nature of our school. The school will prepare for the introduction of the new Primary Curriculum in September 2014.

We will develop and sustain a culture of high standards of achievement and success in all curriculum subjects.

We will seek to embed Information and Communications Technology (ICT) fully across the curriculum to further enhance the quality of teaching and learning.


In partnership with parents, we will encourage our children to approach their learning with a positive attitude. We will encourage and expect our children to demonstrate a high standard of behaviour; and to show respect towards all members of the school community and for school property.

We will maintain and continue to develop playtimes as enjoyable times for our children.


Maple School is committed to the ongoing professional development of all members of staff, who continue to share expertise and support each other. We will develop further the professional role of Teaching Assistants and seek to maintain regular Planning, Preparation and Assessment Time for the Teaching Staff, mainly in half-day blocks, in addition to further non-contact time for core subject co-ordinator duties each term.


The Governing Body will continue to develop its role of maintaining and raising standards and provision, in partnership with staff, pupils and parents.


Parents are encouraged to respect and enjoy the school’s ‘open door’ policy. Their comments and points of view are valued and any concerns are acted upon appropriately.

Teaching School

Maple School will develop is membership of the West Hertfordshire Teaching School Alliance and work in partnership with other member schools to a) support teachers/leaders in other Herts schools facing difficulties and b) host and mentor students on Initial Teacher Training.

Academy Status

The issue of applying to become an Academy will be kept under termly review by the Governing Body.