The Governing body delegate some areas of work to the following governor committees:
Committee |
Pay & Personnel
- To advise the Governing Body on Pay and Personnel issues
- To monitor all staffing arrangements
- To monitor the staff training programme each term
- To monitor the Performance Management cycle
- To ensure appropriate policies are drafted and regularly reviewed for approval by the Full Governing Body
- To provide guidance to the Governing Body on all financial matters
- To ensure the school offers value for money
- To propose an annual budget within LEA constraints for Governing Body approval
- To identify how the school’s resources can be best aligned with the School Development Plan
- To consider the findings of financial audits and ensure appropriate action is taken to satisfy recommendations
- To set financial plans which enable the strategic vision of the school to be achieved
- To monitor the financial position of the school against the budget and to consider any recommendations from other committees that have a financial impact
- To advise the Governing body on the school’s curriculum statements
- To review the individual subject policies
- To receive information from the Head & staff about how the curriculum is taught, monitored, evaluated etc.
- To ensure the needs of children with Special Educational Needs are met.
- To review the information on the school’s performance.
- To make recommendations for improvements after consultation with the Head and staff following an Ofsted inspection.
- To prioritise the routine maintenance of the school premises
- To identify Health and Safety issues including fire prevention
- To follow LEA guidelines on serious incidents
- To identify capital expenditure priorities
- To ensure Asset Management plans are reviewed and progress monitored
- To monitor provision and value for money of premises related services
- To ensure appropriate policies are in place
- To ensure there is adequate insurance in place in respect of buildings and contents
- To monitor the use of school premises and achieve appropriate balance between income generation and the provision of facilities within the community