Maple is a county, co-educational, day school for children between the ages of four and eleven years. It opened in 1969 on the present site in Hall Place Gardens. The school takes its name from Sir John Blundell Maple, MP, who was a freeman of the city in 1894. The school building contains seven mainstream classrooms and a smaller classroom for teaching hearing impaired children. There is a large hall equipped for P.E. which is also used for assemblies, drama and music; and a separate dining room next to the kitchen where meals are cooked on site every day. The school has a central fiction and non-fiction library and a small room for instrumental lessons. Outside, Maple is extremely fortunate to have a large playing field, two playgrounds, a conservation area, and an outdoor learning / play area for the Reception Class.
The Maple Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA) is extremely supportive and in recent years has provided the school with networked computers and new cooking facilities. In addition three years ago the PTA funded the building of the new school library.
The school is well equipped with an interactive whiteboard in every classroom, 45 laptop computers, 25 iPads, 64 Chromebooks and a variety of musical instruments.
There is a resource area which is kept up-to-date with reference material and apparatus necessary to teach all aspects of the National Curriculum.