
Parents’ Information

If you are having an issue using Google Classroom please see the link below to help you. Password: googleclassroommaple Dear parents, For parents of children with Special Educational Needs (SEND), please find below details of resources from Herts County Council: The Integrated Services for Learning teams have prepared three resource folders to support with: …

The School Day

We operate a soft start to the school day. The gates are open 8:40 – 8:45am and the children are welcomed into their classrooms ready for lessons to start promptly at 8:45am. Reception Morning: 8:45am – 12:00pm Mid-morning break: 10:50am – 11:05am Lunch break: 12:00 – 1:15pm Afternoon: 1:15pm – 3:15pm Afternoon break: 2:30 – …

Special Educational Needs

  SEN Support Groups and Information SEN Support in Education Leaflet (pdf) Delivering Special Provision Locally (DSPL) – Area 7 SENDirect – We can help you find the right support, services and information for your family ADD-vance – the ADD-vance ADHD and Autism Trust Hertfordshire Additional Needs Database (HAND) – Our voluntary database for children and young …

Mental Health Support

    Welcome from the Mental Health Support Team at Maple Primary School                                                                                      …


What’s the PTA for? We support Maple School and its families by organising social events whilst fundraising for additional resources, such as; A new library An outdoor classroom – ‘The Porch’ Refurbishment of the children’s kitchen & inner courtyard New sports kit and equipment Installation of acoustic panelling in the dining room All-weather athletics track …


Dear Maple parents Uniform Maple PTA exclusively sells Maple’s logo jumpers, polo shirts, PE kit and a selection of outdoor wear. All money raised from new and second-hand uniform sales goes straight to the Maple PTA. New Uniform Orders can be placed via the following online system at any time. We place a monthly …

Meals & Milk

School Dinners A cafeteria meal, which offers children a wide choice of well-balanced cooked meals, is served each day. Dinners are cooked on the premises by staff employed by Hertfordshire Catering Ltd. A choice of menu is available, including a salad bar, and the majority of children do have a school meal. Children starting school, …

Online Payments

We have introduced a service – ‘School Gateway’ which enables you to make online payments to school via the School Gateway smartphone app or website. You can also pay for school meals and milk online. What you need to do now Download the app: If you have a smartphone, please download School Gateway from your …

School Clubs

Extra curricular clubs: Autumn Term 2024 School Clubs dates: Start w/c  9th September 2024 End w/c  2nd December 2024 Events that impact clubs Note dates when some clubs will NOT be on: Parents Evenings      Tues 22nd/Thurs 24th Oct          No Clubs in the Hall & classrooms after school Bookfair      …


Pupils & Parents Governance


A very warm welcome to Re:play                  Tel: 07913 323608 Email: Breakfast, After School & Holiday Clubs Re:play provides a safe, stimulating & fun place for all 4 -11 year olds to play. Children are closely supervised by our friendly team of qualified & experienced staff who …