Volunteering in School
Parental Help
Parental help is much appreciated in and around school. Please let the school know if you can offer voluntary help with any of the following activities:
- supervising small groups of children in art, craft, cookery, computers or other similar activities.
- helping in the reference library and quiet reading area for a short time each week.
- going on class day visits as a helper to the teacher.
- providing occasional transport for sports teams and local visits.
- helping occasionally with DIY and gardening jobs around the school
Any parents helping on a regular basis will need to complete a Disclosure & Barring Service Check and obtain clearance prior to working in school. They will also need to meet with the Headteacher. Further details can be obtained from the Headteacher or the office staff.
When providing occasional transport for children, it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure they have appropriate motor insurance. Appropriate child or booster seats are required for children up to their 12th birthday, or until they reach 135 cms, whichever comes first.